Straight Talk about Navigating Disappointment
Everyone experiences disappointment from time to time. How we deal with it, particularly if it's ongoing, can make or break us and our relationships. Disappointment comes in many shades and textures. It could be something minor like the AirBnB looking infinitely...

What Does Self-Care Look Like In Midlife and Beyond?
Once we hit fifty, we’re officially past our prime and our bodies know it. Muscles take longer to recover from injury or overuse. Illnesses take longer to shake. Our joints and teeth begin to show signs of wear. Depression can become an unwanted companion. Solid sleep...

Find My Work Over at Substack or in My Newsletters
In the hope of reaching more readers, I'm posting my non-commissioned writing on Substack and in my monthly newsletters. You can subscribe to either (or both) of these from my home page. Commissioned articles can be found under the writing/publications tab.

Peonies Pics
Peonies never last long enough. Because of New England's super hot weather this week, they will bloom and fade within a few days. All of these images were shot of one bush (in our neighbors' yard) with my Canon DSLR and 100 mm macro lens. I did not enhance the colors....

Permission to Disappoint
Earlier in life, disappointing others was simply unacceptable. Whether it was my high school or college teammates, my employers, my husband, and later, my sons, I perceived letting others down as a moral defect. It ranked up there with lying and stealing. I’m not a...

Good Marital Sex Will Never Happen When Misogyny Is Practiced
No husband (or wife) has the right to demand sex from their partner. Full stop. Normally, I don’t take the time to refute a post that's poorly written. This is different. Not only does this one twist Scripture, it's incredibly misogynistic and promotes abusive...

How Disruption Can Lead to Innovation
Just as disruption in the supply chain creates opportunities for innovation in the business world, the disruptive nature of the pandemic has prompted adaptation and innovation in our marriages and families. As academic institutions shut down or went remote, parents’...

Why We Need Our Imaginations In Marriage
Engaging our imaginations and living creatively should not be seen as child’s play or as a privilege for select vocations such as artist or author. To think along these lines is to deny our heritage. Poet Luci Shaw asserts “We who believe we bear God’s image must...

Recognizing the Effects of Trauma in Marriage
Traumatic experiences affect every aspect of life and all of our relationships— perhaps most notably our marriage. It’s not a question of if you or your spouse have experienced trauma. It’s more a question of to what degree and have the two of you ever considered how...

How Do We Move Beyond Criticism?
Criticism is an essential component of every aspect of life—including our relationships and our creative processes. Regarding the latter, while writing my books, I’ve made thousands of critical decisions. This idea, this word, not that one. Some of my favorite...