by Dorothy Greco | Jul 21, 2020 | Articles, Current events, Marriage & Family, Sex/Intimacy
We’re only halfway through 2020 but already, this has been the most traumatic year in the 21st century. The disruption and deaths from COVID-19, the economic downturn and spiking unemployment, and the surge in racialized violence have shaken and destabilized the...
by Dorothy Greco | Jun 13, 2020 | Art, Photography, & Beauty, Blog, Nature, Photography
Ferns are some of the oldest living plants on the earth. Watching these Interrupted Ferns develop day after day, I felt as if I was witnessing something being born. They tend to appear in early spring, always in groups, and are sheathed in a fabric-like cover. As they...
by Dorothy Greco | Jun 4, 2020 | Blog, Race/Racial Reconciliation
For the past four hundred years—since the first time white settlers brought enslaved black men to what would become America in 1619—we have systematically treated black men and women as less than. White supremacy was actually written into our Constitution and though...
by Dorothy Greco | Jun 1, 2020 | Articles, Healthy Relationships, Redbud Writers' Guild
Confession is humbling, embarrassing, and at times, even mortifying. So why bother? Wouldn’t it be easier to simply hide our sins and pretend all is well? Denial might be easier, but if we want to get free from sin, confession needs to become a regular part of our...
by Dorothy Greco | May 4, 2020 | Blog, Current events, Spirituality
Like many of you, I’ve been doing a lot of walking in the past eight weeks. One route takes me past an orchard. Two weeks ago, the peach and nectarine trees were just coming into bloom, bringing a pale pink hue to the fields. When I turned the corner toward the...