by Dorothy Greco | Apr 22, 2018 | Blog, Race/Racial Reconciliation
The 2018 Festival of Faith and Writing happened in Grand Rapids, MI, last week. I had the privilege of organizing a panel titled The Risk of Writing on Race—And Our Moral Obligation to Continue. I hoped that a handful of white folks would show up and that the four of...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 30, 2018 | At the Intersection of Faith & Culture, Blog, Friday Soul Food, Spirituality
What happened between the crucifixion and the resurrection? Scripture reveals little, telling us only that Christ descended into hell. Whether you read that literally or figuratively, it feels an apt description for those seasons in our life when we feel buried alive....
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 11, 2018 | Blog, Race/Racial Reconciliation
Racial reconciliation team: (L to R) Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, Dr. Nicholas Rowe, Sheila Rowe, Liza Cagua-Koo, me, Rev. Dr. Ray Hammond. Fifteen years ago all of us (along with my husband Christopher and REv. Dr. Gloria Hammond) pulled together a conference that we titled...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 7, 2018 | Articles, Leadership, Missio Alliance, Race/Racial Reconciliation, Spirituality
As I followed the #MeToo threads on social media last Fall, it didn’t take long to notice that most people were responding in one of two ways: either they voiced support for the women (and the few men) who bravely revealed their wounds or they discounted the stories...
by Dorothy Greco | Feb 24, 2018 | Articles, Spirituality, The Mudroom
Is it biblical for Christians to agree to disagree? That depends. When writing to the Corinthian Church regarding issues that were divisive, the Apostle Paul discouraged fellow believers from criticizing or condemning each other and instead, encouraged them to “live...
by Dorothy Greco | Feb 15, 2018 | Articles, Marriage & Family, Relevant Magazine
When a married couple pursues Christ together does it change the DNA of their marriage? Hopefully, yes. I know many couples with no connection to organized religion who have wonderful, healthy marriages. They are good communicators, strong advocates for each other and...
by Dorothy Greco | Jan 26, 2018 | Articles, Relevant Magazine
At Relevant Magazine: Going to counseling is a deeply personal decision for a couple–one that can dramatically and positively affect a relationship. Even if you’ve spent time in counseling, there’s still a curiosity factor about what other people talk about when...
by Dorothy Greco | Jan 26, 2018 | Articles, Christianity Today, Marriage & Family
My first engagement did not culminate in the wedding of my dreams. I was fearful, clingy, and manipulative. He was prone to relational claustrophobia, compelling him to demand “space”—which triggered more insecurity on my end. This dynamic caused us such pain and...