by Dorothy Greco | Mar 24, 2017 | Blog, Making Marriage Beautiful, Marriage & Family
As a way to celebrate my new book, Making Marriage Beautiful, I have asked some of my writer friends to share how they make their marriages beautiful. One of the factors that motivated me to write this book was the reality that marriage can be more challenging than...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 21, 2017 | Articles, IV's The Well, Marriage & Family
It’s November and my husband Christopher and I have made it through the first six months of marriage. The many storms predicted by our well-meaning friends have blown north of us. We successfully dodge the “Where do we spend our first holiday?” conflict with the flip...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 16, 2017 | Podcasts/Radio shows
Culture is talking about sex. The music and movie industry is talking about sex — all.the.time. Is the church? Are we communicating enough about what healthy sex looks like in marriage? Real-life sex, not just how it is portrayed on the silver screen. Do men have a...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 16, 2017 | Blog, Making Marriage Beautiful
As a way to celebrate my new book, Making Marriage Beautiful, I have asked some of my writer friends to share how they make their marriages beautiful. One of the factors that motivated me to write this book was the reality that marriage can be more challenging...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 14, 2017 | Blog, Marriage & Family
In marriage, as in life, conflict is unavoidable. Though few of us enjoy it, conflict can actually become a powerful tool to help us grow, IF we learn the lessons it’s trying to teach us. Most of the time, we fight about ice cubes. In reality, it’s not about the ice...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 13, 2017 | Articles, Marriage & Family, The Mudroom
In the course of my twenty-five year marriage, we’ve made good sex a priority. That doesn’t mean it’s been effortless. Anything in marriage that’s good takes effort and intentionality. In all regards, we’re still a work in progress. We had more than a few vulnerable...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 9, 2017 | Blog, Making Marriage Beautiful, Marriage & Family
One of the key lessons my husband Christopher and I have learned is that if we want our marriage to thrive, we need to be “stitched into a healthy community. For though we each vow to love, honor, and cherish one person, being sewn into a relational patchwork of...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 2, 2017 | Blog, Making Marriage Beautiful, Marriage & Family
As part of the launch for my new book, I invited some friends to share how they make their marriages beautiful. The road to beauty is not always pretty or easy. We often find ourselves in dark and difficult places and don’t know where to turn for help or...