by Dorothy Greco | May 20, 2021 | Articles, Blog, Marriage & Family
No husband (or wife) has the right to demand sex from their partner. Full stop. Normally, I don’t take the time to refute a post that’s poorly written. This is different. Not only does this one twist Scripture, it’s incredibly misogynistic and promotes...
by Dorothy Greco | Apr 24, 2021 | Articles, Christianity Today, Marriage & Family
Just as disruption in the supply chain creates opportunities for innovation in the business world, the disruptive nature of the pandemic has prompted adaptation and innovation in our marriages and families. As academic institutions shut down or went remote, parents’...
by Dorothy Greco | Apr 24, 2021 | Articles, Marriage & Family, Substack
Engaging our imaginations and living creatively should not be seen as child’s play or as a privilege for select vocations such as artist or author. To think along these lines is to deny our heritage. Poet Luci Shaw asserts “We who believe we bear God’s image must...
by Dorothy Greco | Apr 24, 2021 | Articles, Marriage & Family, Substack
Criticism is an essential component of every aspect of life—including our relationships and our creative processes. Regarding the latter, while writing my books, I’ve made thousands of critical decisions. This idea, this word, not that one. Some of my favorite...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 31, 2021 | Marriage & Family, Marriage in the Middle, Marriage in the Middle, Podcasts & radio shows
Give this podcast on Women with Questions a listen. We took some deep dives into many of the issues that we face in midlife marriage including: disappointment, conflict, sex, and...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 31, 2021 | Articles, Substack
2020 was one of, if not the most stressful, disappointing, and disruptive years on record. We lost jobs and said goodbye (remotely) to friends and family members. As office buildings and schools closed, we created work spaces in the corners of our bedrooms and...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 31, 2021 | Photography, Substack
Photos and text celebrating women from around the world International Women’s Day. To see the entire post, please click this link to Substack. You can find more of my photography work by clicking the Photography...
by Dorothy Greco | Mar 31, 2021 | Articles, Perennial Gen
I anticipated every symptom and side-effect of menopause. Except anger. Up to this point in my life, I managed to (mostly) avoid expressing anger. Especially with men. Menopause changed that. The misogynistic micro-aggressions that I had tolerated for the past fifty...