Best Books from 2015 and Free Gifts!

This year's Best Books list is a bit different. Because I wanted to better understand what life is like for men and women who are not white, I intentionally sought out authors who would teach and challenge me. I succeeded. Many of these books made me weep and feel...

Book Review: Overcomer, by Aubrey Sampson

Within the first twenty pages of Aubrey Sampson’s new book, Overcomer, the tears started flowing. I’ve done a lot of work over the past two decades to dismantle my own shame. For the first thirty years of my life, I felt ashamed for some of the foolish choices I had...

88 Meals & the Meaning of Friendship

Most of my rituals are practiced in solitude: morning prayer, daily exercise, flossing. My two communal rituals involve food: our family’s evening dinner and the eight-eight meals I’ve shared with the same three women over the past twenty-two years. While I’m hopeful...

Summer Reading: Unexpected, by Trina Pocket

This week's review: Unexpected, by Trina Pocket. Pocket received a cancer diagnosis when she was 23. And pregnant with her second child. The illness combined with the hellish effects from chemo caused her once vibrant spiritual life to shrivel. Yet in the midst of the...

Women, Leadership, & the Bible with Natalie Eastman

Last year, Dr. Natalie Eastman, asked me if I would be interested in reading her new book, Women, Leadership, and the Bible: How Do I Know What to Believe? Indeed, I did want to read it. It's hard not to wonder if some of the current conflict swirling around women,...

What I’m Reading This Summer

This week's review... Compassion without Compromise, by Adam Barr and Ron Citlau One of THE issues of our day is how we as a culture will navigate the fierce beliefs around gender and sexuality—particularly as they intersect with faith. It's important to me to listen...

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