Eleven Days of Wedding (Prep)
In which I face the all too familiar conflict between environmental stewardship and the need to remain within a budget. According to Green Bride Guide, a typical American wedding generates 400-600 pounds of waste. This includes everything from invitations, to single...
The Twelve Days Of Wedding (Prep)
Wedding Prep: The YardIn which we tried to undo four years of neglecting our yard in a single day. This involved much weed pulling, much mulching, and spraying liquid garlic on the yard in a last ditch effort to eradicate the blood suckers without using toxic...
Friday Soul Food: Who—or What—Will We Worship? A Challenge from N. T. Wright
A question worth considering. "Are you going to worship the creator God and discover thereby what it means to become fully and gloriously human, reflecting his powerful, healing, transformative love into the world? Or are you going to worship the world as it...
Gifted for Leadership: Whole-Brain Creativity
If you spend five minutes scrolling through your Facebook feed, you are bound to come across at least one post that promises to help you determine whether you are right- or left-brain dominant. The lateralization theory explains your thinking and behavior based on...
An Interview with Novelist Margaret Ann Philbrick
Writer Margaret Ann Philbrick recently released her first novel, A Minor. Described as "a deeply moving novel that touches upon love, creativity, and memory, A Minor is a life-giving love story exploring the healing power of music for those suffering from Alzheimer’s...
2014 Summer Reading List
Since summer officially started a few weeks ago, I've already finished the first three titles. If you add your books to the comment section, you will be entered in a drawing to win ten of my original photo cards. If you subscribe to my site within the next ten...
What the First Moon Ad Reveals about Our Discomfort & Shame Regarding Menstruation
Back in 1973, when I was 13, I opened the door to my bedroom to find a small, flower-covered box discreetly labeled with an unfamiliar word—KOTEX. Curious, I quickly opened it to discover several mysterious objects and a mini-pamphlet complete with frightening...
Friday Soul Food: Letting Go of Regret with Michelle Van Loon
2013 was a year filled with regret. My husband and I had to make some incredibly painful choices about moving on from a community that we loved. Night after night, we tortured ourselves by revisiting decisions we had made, conversations that had gone awry, and...
It Can Wait! Don’t Text, Call, or Otherwise Multitask While Driving
This is what can happen when you take your eyes off the road for approximately two seconds. Our son, normally a great driver, was trying to figure out if the GPS was sending him in the correct direction. Two seconds. Tops. He was traveling 20-25 MPH. Thankfully, other...
Peonies, Spring 2014
Anyone who subscribes to this site during the coming week will be entered to win one of these photos.