Eleven Days of Wedding (Prep)

In which I face the all too familiar conflict between environmental stewardship and the need to remain within a budget. According to Green Bride Guide, a typical American wedding generates 400-600 pounds of waste. This includes everything from invitations, to single...

The Twelve Days Of Wedding (Prep)

Wedding Prep: The YardIn which we tried to undo four years of neglecting our yard in a single day. This involved much weed pulling, much mulching, and spraying liquid garlic on the yard in a last ditch effort to eradicate the blood suckers without using toxic...

2014 Summer Reading List

  Since summer officially started a few weeks ago, I've already finished the first three titles. If you add your books to the comment section, you will be entered in a drawing to win ten of my original photo cards. If you subscribe to my site within the next ten...

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