Women with Questions: Midlife Marriage
Give this podcast on Women with Questions a listen. We took some deep dives into many of the issues that we face in midlife marriage including: disappointment, conflict, sex, and more.

Turning Toward Hope, at The Mudroom
If I asked you to describe 2020 in one word, what word would you choose? Pandemic? Chaos? Disappointment? Virtual? Social-distance? All of the above are apt descriptors for this merciless year but at least for me, they don’t quite capture it as succinctly as this one:...

Valentine’s Day: Pandemic Style
Amidst the uncertainties of 2021, one thing is certain: Valentine’s Day is going to look very different this year. The threat of Covid—not to mention the impossibility of finding a sitter—has put a serious damper on how couples celebrate this typically romantic,...

It’s Time to Get Off the Trump Train
Many years ago, a college student mistakenly got on a plane thinking he was heading home to Oakland, CA, when in fact the plane was bound for Aukland. As in New Zealand. More than 6500 miles further west than he hoped to go. (The fact that not a single gate attendant...

Accountability: An Essential Habit for Ministry Leaders
Hillsong’s Carl Lentz joins a long list of well-known Christian leaders who have been asked to step down after moral failure.In fact, that list is beginning to read like a Who’s Who of 21st-century pastors. Given the seductive nature of power and the many pressures of...

The Inside Scoop on Midlife Marriage
The inimitable Anne Kennedy asked me 14 questions about midlife marriage. She's quite amazing so it's no surprise that her questions made me pause and dig deep. Anne said she jotted these down while reading Marriage in the Middle. I hope you enjoy the interview. (I'm...

Tending to Your Marriage While Raising Teenagers
Parenting is arguably the most demanding job any of us will ever have. While are children are under our care, we protect them, shape their character, inform their world-views, and lay the groundwork for their own spiritual journeys. We also referee, comfort, and...

Marital Health Survey
My hope for this marriage survey is that it would help you to pinpoint any areas in your relationship that might need some attention. Think of this as a diagnostic tool. Answer these questions as honestly as you are able. 1. In general, we resolve our conflicts...

Creating a Love that Lasts, at Propel for Women
One of the most vital midlife-lessons my husband and I have learned is that it’s hard to love when one—or both of us—are not our best selves. And yet, that’s exactly what we promised to do on our wedding day. There we stood, brimming with optimism and joy—blissfully clueless about what we were promising to do. We imagined the peaks but had no grid for what the valleys might look like.

Twenty Years of Waiting for My Daily Bread: On Living with Chronic Illness
This month marks two decades of living with chronic health issues and constant pain. It’s not an anniversary I tend to celebrate. But as I look back over the past twenty years, I can—and do—rejoice in God’s faithfulness to me and my family. As with many long-term...