Friday Soul Food: A Beautiful Disaster and the Role of Community
Few of us choose to spend time in the wilderness. It’s disorienting, lonely, and at times, crushing. The Father’s voice, normally clear and audible, becomes static—as if we’ve moved beyond the range of his radio frequency. The desert unequivocally transforms us. What...
Friday Soul Food: Let Us Refuse to Take Graduation for Granted
Watching my son’s graduation ceremony this week, I wondered, Why is this such a big deal? Why do we celebrate this so religiously? In studies published earlier this year, headlines lauded eighty percent of US students graduated from high school in 2012, the highest...
Friday Soul Food: In Gratitude to Maya Angelou
Friday Soul Food
Today’s Christian Woman: The Conversation that Redirected Our Parenting
(This was the moment when we realized we were only halfway through our eight mile hike. The expressions have not been Photoshopped.) Several years ago while hiking with our kids in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, Rocky Mountain National Park, we realized...
Friday Soul Food: Planted, by Leah Kostamo, and the Call to Steward Creation
It has always puzzled me why so few Christians are on the vanguard of stewardship and environmental issues. If indeed God created this beautiful earth and then gave us the responsibility of caring for it, shouldn’t we prioritize this alongside of worshiping only one...
Friday Soul Food: True Beauty Through God’s Love
Divine Makeover by Sharla Fritz Divine Makeover is the book I wish someone had given me when I was a teenager. Author Sharla Fritz speaks to the familiar insecurities and doubts that all teenage girls battle with grace, humility, and wisdom. Fritz uses familiar...
Book Review: Warrior in Pink by Vivian Mabuni
Imagine a group of ten women friends. Based on the current statistics from the National Cancer Institute, at least one of them will battle breast cancer. And according to the National Cancer Society, “Nearly half of all men and a little more than one-third of all...
Friday Soul Food: An Envious Lawn or Biodiversity?
As I plop the forty-pound bag of organic fertilizer into the back of our ancient mini-van, I ask myself, “Why, exactly, am I spending twice as much for this as I would for the synthetic version?” The forsythia will bloom this week and means it’s time to feed the...
How Do We Feed the World Without Destroying It?
As reported in the most recent issue of National Geographic, a team of scientists asked the question, “How can the world double the availability of food while simultaneously cutting the environmental harm caused by agriculture?” This team proposed five steps....