Friday Soul Food: The Gospel of Ruth

  “Jesus’s teaching reveals that obedience to God is not a matter of precision, but that the parameters of true obedience are virtually limitless. We can’t reduce life with God to a check list of rules to be kept and deadly sins to be avoided. Formal religion...

9 Reasons Why You Need a Number (or 2) in Your Title

  1. Numbers make readers feel good about what they are reading. They are comforting. (Talk to an accountant if you don’t get  this.) 2. Use a small number, between five and two, when your topic might normally be overlooked or seem intimidating. Small numbers help...

Holy Resignation

My husband and I had a rather unique path down the aisle to "I do." Our relationship, round one, was characterized by times of idyllic friendship which inched us toward emotional intimacy, which resulted in him hitting the eject button. Repeatedly. Whenever he said he...

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