Chipotle’s Challenge to the Body of Christ: Will You Care for the Earth?
Throughout my life, nature has always been a portal into God’s presence. As a child, I spent most weekends in the woods behind my family home. While I did not know it at the time, by plucking wild honeysuckle, immersing my feet in small brooks, and sunbathing on...
When a Registered Sex Offender Moves into Your Neighborhood…
Last week, police posted a photo of a level three sex offender who now lives in the tony suburb of Belmont, MA. Parents expressed both fear and concern, asking questions such as, “Isn’t there a law against [a level three sex offender] living within 3 blocks...
How Asking for Help Breaks Our Shame
My husband works as a pastor. Practically speaking, this means we don’t see much of him between Saturday afternoon and Sunday evening. Our three sons play all manner of sports, predominantly on these same weekends. The only possible way I can accommodate their...
Is the Seeker-Sensitive, Consumer Oriented Church Failing a Generation?
The millennial generation's much-talked-about departure from church might lead those of us over 30 to conclude that they have little interest in Jesus. Nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately, their spiritual coming of age has coincided with many...
Words of Advice and Encouragment to my Home Schooling Friends
As my son and I packed up old home schooling books and projects this week, my heart grew wistful for the decade we spent teaching our boys at home. Within a few days, many of us will send our children out the door into another’s domain, releasing them to...
Bacon Marmalade Recipe
Bacon Marmalade, a la GainCarlo Since eliminating gluten, cow products, processed sugar (almost 100%), preservatives, and HFC, I am always looking for ways to make what I can eat, taste better. This is also true for our #2 son, chef GainCarlo. He’s an avid fan of Guy...
Holy Resignation: How to Find Blessing in the Midst of Relational Disappointments
My husband and I had a rather unique path down the aisle to “I do.” Our relationship, round one, was characterized by times of idyllic friendship which inched us toward emotional intimacy which resulted in him hitting the eject button. Repeatedly. Whenever he said...
Helping Our Children Set Realistic Expectations for Family Vacations
It was day two of our long awaited Colorado vacation. We were in mid eight mile hike and two of our three sons (then ages eight and twelve) had a meltdown. The hike was too long, the bugs were incessant, it was hot, their feet hurt, Et cetera, Et cetera. I...
Summer 2013 Reading Recommendations
I realize that some of you have already come and gone from your vacation. However, I love discovering new books and am always grateful when others share their top picks. Let me know if you have a few you think I would like. A Grace Disguised, Jerry SittserIf you are...
What Can Joseph Teach Us about Descent?
Much of our life is out of our control. What is within the realm of our control is how we respond, how we find God, how we partner with him in the midst of loss of control and descent. According to author Jerry Sittser, "We will not be delivered from suffering, but...