How Asking for Help Breaks Our Shame

       My husband works as a pastor. Practically speaking, this means we don’t see much of him between Saturday afternoon and Sunday evening. Our three sons play all manner of sports, predominantly on these same weekends. The only possible way I can accommodate their...

Bacon Marmalade Recipe

Bacon Marmalade, a la GainCarlo Since eliminating gluten, cow products, processed sugar (almost 100%), preservatives, and HFC, I am always looking for ways to make what I can eat, taste better. This is also true for our #2 son, chef GainCarlo. He’s an avid fan of Guy...

What Can Joseph Teach Us about Descent?

Much of our life is out of our control. What is within the realm of our control is how we respond, how we find God, how we partner with him in the midst of loss of control and descent. According to author Jerry Sittser, "We will not be delivered from suffering, but...

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