The Garden of Marriage

Meteorologically speaking, this was not a great day. The temperatures hovered just above forty. The rain obscured the sun. The wind made it feel like March rather than Memorial Day weekend. But I felt tremendous contentment as I alternated between making photographs...

Stay the Course Boston

I could feel the collective exhale when the announcement came at 9:00 PM last night. For five days, those of us who live in the metro Boston area have been held captive by grief, fear, and confusion. The events of this week and how we responded explains why I’m not...

Defying Rigid Gender Boundaries in Marriage

It was a ridiculous sight. I was eight months pregnant, lying on the basement floor, with the telephone on speaker so my dad could talk me through repairing our broken heater. In that moment, I had an epiphany—ours was not a typical marriage. My husband felt no...

Morning Wake-Up

This has become my go-to juice when I am feeling a bit draggy. Beets support liver function. Ginger and lemon boost the immune system. Celery adds in natural potassium and sodium. Carrots for Vitamin A and apple for Vitamin C. Both of these last two also add sweet to...

Beauty’s Invitation

Beauty’s Invitation

We had just interred my mother-in-law after her staggeringly quick battle with pancreatic cancer. As we headed back to the funeral home, rain darkened the already dreary Utica sky. Questions, tears, anger, and grief all drove with us in the limo. And then God broke...

Chocolate Coconut Manna

Chocolate Coconut Manna

This has become my all-time favorite GF/DF treat. Think really good fudge. Even if you never liked fudge. Made with organic coconut manna, coconut oil, cacao, vanilla, maple syrup, a pinch of salt, and cacao nibs. That's it. While coconut oil is a saturated fat, it's...

The Best GF/DF Cheesecake Ever!

Big thanks to my friend Cheryl for creating and baking this for me. Spicy Pumpkin Ginger Cheesecake Gluten and Dairy Free Pre-heat oven to 350 Tightly wrap the outside bottom and sides of 9-10 inch spring-form pan with 2 layers of foil Crust 2 C  DF/GF ginger snaps...

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