Reaching for Diversity
Our family moved from the inner city five years ago. I could no longer tolerate the crush of humanity 24/7. We knew that moving outside of Rt. 128 (Boston’s loop) would most likely mean that our community would be less diverse. Diversity is not a stat that most...
When God (Seemingly) Doesn’t Answer Our Prayers
Our all-powerful, all-loving God encourages us to ask Him for what we want. But sometimes, after we’ve put it out there, He seems to turn and walk in the opposite direction. We are then left with the unmet longings and needs that inspired our prayers as well as...
Love Is…?
“Love is an earthquake meant to relocate the center of our universe.” So writes Mike Mason in his brilliant book, The Mystery of Marriage. Each time this destabilizing, tectonic shifting pitched me off balance during my first decade of marriage, I assumed I was a...

Why Lent?
Several years ago, I reminded our teenage sons that Lent would be starting in two days. Our youngest protested with a deep sigh and the following comment: “I just don’t get why my giving up ice cream or TV has anything to do with my getting closer to God. I mean did...
Apple Chocolate Fudgies (GF/DF)
Apple Chocolate Fudgies GF/DF I can’t take any credit for this awesome recipe. The crew at Debra’s Natural Foods in West Concord came up with it. It’s a cross between a brownie and cake. Healthy enough for breakfast (in my humble opinion). 10 medjool dates, pitted 4...
GF/DF Banana Chocolate Nut Cookies
Gluten and Dairy Free Banana Chocolate Nut Cookies 4 ripe bananas 1/2 C virgin coconut oil (melted) or other healthy oil such as walnut 1/2 C either maple syrup or agave syrup 1 t vanilla extract or 1/2 t almond extract 1/3 C soy or any alternative milk or 2 eggs 2 C...
GF/DF Butternut Squash Soup
GF/DF Butternut Squash Soup 1 large butternut squash 2-4 C of apple cider 4-6 C of chicken stock or coconut milk (either low fat or regular) 2 large cooking apples 1 sweet onion Sea salt Freshly ground pepper 1-2T curry powder 1 C shelled pumpkin seeds 3T maple syrup...
Insomnia, Powerlessness & the Presence of God
Several hours after having my 50th birthday colonoscopy, the hospital called my husband to communicate that they could not wake me up. He replied, “Wake her up? What are you doing? Let the poor woman sleep. She never sleeps.” I’m in good company. According to the...
Blind Spots
I just finished teaching our second son how to drive. Convincing my driver-to-be that he had blind spots was perhaps the most difficult component of our lessons. The car’s three mirrors gave him a false security leading to more than one close call. (We now have a...

Editorial and Portrait Photography
Next 19 photos from New England Home's summer edition.