Nature, Florals, & Macro Photography
Indian Corn Hellebore Magnolia, Littleton, MA 2013Magnolia, Littleton, MA 2013Tree Bud, Littleton, MA 2013Daffodil, 2013Daffodil, Littleton, MA 2013 Azelea Leaf Pod opening ...

Unexpected Detours
I was driving home on auto-pilot after an exceedingly long day. As I crested the hill before our exit, I saw the flashing blue lights of the police car and a fluorescent sign warning, EXIT CLOSED-CONSTRUCTION. Had the work crew placed the notification just 100 yards...
Bed Bugs: A House Warming You Never Want to Experience
As we pulled into the hotel carport, a barely clad, exceedingly drunk woman came staggering out of the restaurant and slurred, “I’m not staying in this place. There’s rats here.” My youngest looked at me, eyes full of question marks and implored my husband to get back...
Learning Generosity—Again
I was near tears as I wrote the check for the exterminator. This was our third unexpected, substantial expense in as many months. The amount reflected four weeks of work for me. Hard, physical work. Work that I cannot count on due to my self-employed status. I...
Bearing the Weight: Bent but not Broken
I woke at 5:00 AM to the sound of wood scraping against the clapboard. The three birch trees outside our bedroom had gone from upright to nearly horizontal in the course of the night. It was a brutal storm. Since we’ve not yet had a killing frost, most trees were...