Ten Essential Marriage Habits
I've over at my friend Diana Gruver's site today talking about ten habits all married couples should cultivate in order to help you have mutually-satisfying marriages. Hone your communication skills. First, don’t talk more than you’re willing to listen. If...
Ashley Hales’s Review of Marriage in the Middle for Christianity Today
"How might our marriages become more resilient in the face of enormous pressures? And how, in particular, do we navigate marriage in the middle of life, when the romance may have faded? Writer Dorothy Littell Greco tackles questions like these in Marriage in the...

Marriage in the Middle Is Now Available for Preorder
If you're married and between the ages of 40-65, you need to read this book. Seriously. It's insightful, vulnerable, practical, and wildly encouraging. I've also interviewed eight diverse couples. Their stories are rich and powerful. Here's the summary from the...

The Effects of Trauma on Intimate Relationships
We’re only halfway through 2020 but already, this has been the most traumatic year in the 21st century. The disruption and deaths from COVID-19, the economic downturn and spiking unemployment, and the surge in racialized violence have shaken and destabilized the...

Fabulous Ferns
Ferns are some of the oldest living plants on the earth. Watching these Interrupted Ferns develop day after day, I felt as if I was witnessing something being born. They tend to appear in early spring, always in groups, and are sheathed in a fabric-like cover. As they...

Dear White Friends: Ignorance and Apathy Are No Longer Options
For the past four hundred years—since the first time white settlers brought enslaved black men to what would become America in 1619—we have systematically treated black men and women as less than. White supremacy was actually written into our Constitution and though...

Reflections on Covid-19, Week Eight: Pruning
Like many of you, I’ve been doing a lot of walking in the past eight weeks. One route takes me past an orchard. Two weeks ago, the peach and nectarine trees were just coming into bloom, bringing a pale pink hue to the fields. When I turned the corner toward the...
And Yet… Embracing Life in a Season of Death
This season is ripe with paradox. As I look out my office window, the forsythia is in bloom, fat robins are pulling worms out of the earth, and the temperature is finally edging over fifty. And yet… Here in Massachusetts, we are in week five of shelter-in-place and...

Pandemic Prayer Guide
I don't know about you but one of the ways the pandemic has changed my daily life is that I'm praying more. When I care deeply about someone or some issue, that's my natural inclination. However, this pandemic has gone on much longer than your average crisis and some...

How to Connect with Your Spouse During the Pandemic
We all know that we need to nurture our marriages. Thanks to COVID-19, date nights are off the table and frankly, most of us are so physically and mentally exhausted from what this season is asking of us that we can barely muster the energy for a hug. But given that...