Resource List for Race and Racial Reconciliation
Racial reconciliation team: (L to R) Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, Dr. Nicholas Rowe, Sheila Rowe, Liza Cagua-Koo, me, Rev. Dr. Ray Hammond. Fifteen years ago all of us (along with my husband Christopher and REv. Dr. Gloria Hammond) pulled together a conference that we titled...

In a World Of Enmity, Christ Calls Us to Empathy
As I followed the #MeToo threads on social media last Fall, it didn’t take long to notice that most people were responding in one of two ways: either they voiced support for the women (and the few men) who bravely revealed their wounds or they discounted the stories...

Can We Disagree Like Christians?
Is it biblical for Christians to agree to disagree? That depends. When writing to the Corinthian Church regarding issues that were divisive, the Apostle Paul discouraged fellow believers from criticizing or condemning each other and instead, encouraged them to “live...

A Voice Becoming, by Beth Bruno
When my friend and fellow Redbud Writers Guild member Beth Bruno asked if I would be interested in being part of the launch team for her new book, A Voice Becoming: A Yearlong Mother-Daughter Journey into Passionate, Purposed Living, I initially said no simply because...

Greco’s Year in Review 2017
I'm a paid professional but there's no way I could accurately summarize the insanity that has been 2017. Perhaps the words that best describe the year would be stretching, exhausting, exciting, fruitful, and productive. I think it's best for me to rely upon images to...
Best Reads of 2017
My Goodreads' goal for 2017 was 33 books and as of last night, I exceeded that goal by two. Of those 35 books, the following 13 stand out. If you want to read about the other 23, just head over to my Goodreads page. The final two books were not published in 2017 but...

Unresolved Relationship Issues: Recognizing, Addressing, and Helping Others Deal with Transference
In the context of our small group, Karen* showed up early, offered to make copies or set up the room, and was quick to ask clarifying questions for the sake of others. Having this type of person in your group can be a blessing. I began to notice, however, that if I...

My Biggest Book Giveaway Ever!
Over the past few years, my goal has been to give away a book a month. For a number of reasons (some good and some not so good), I'm now six months behind. In order to be woman of my word, I'm going to give away EIGHT books this week. (Because why not?) All you...

Our World Is Full of Pain and Suffering—So Let’s Do Something!
Wars. Rumors of Wars. Floods. Droughts. Famines. Fires. Sexual abuse. Systemic racism. The loss of a good friend. My spirit is heavy. My body exhausted. I can only read one or two news stories before feeling totally overwhelmed. I’m not a power broker, a policy maker,...
Devoted Dreamers Podcast
What does it look like to follow your God-given dreams in a world that tends to crush us? What does it mean to live like Jesus instead of just talking about it? How do those of us who are white respond to the deep pain of our brothers and sisters of color? Are we...