What’s the Big Deal about Valentine’s Day?
Valentine’s Day is epic here in the United States. According to the American Association of Florists, almost 200 million roses will be grown for the occasion. An estimated 151 million cards will be purchased and CNN reports that the average adult will spend $130 on...

How Do You Make Your Marriage Beautiful? By Finding a Deeper Love, Heidi Wheeler
As part of the launch for my new book, I invited some friends to share how they make their marriages beautiful. The road to beauty is not always pretty or easy. We often find ourselves in dark and difficult places and don’t know where to turn for help or...

How Do You Make Your Marriage Beautiful? With Prayer, by Patricia Raybon
As part of the launch for my new book, I wanted to invite other married folks to share their experiences of making marriage beautiful. The road to beauty is not always pretty or easy. We often find ourselves in dark and difficult places and don’t know where to turn...

Disappointment: A Holy Invitation at The Mudroom
Months before my husband and I went away for our tenth anniversary, I began to fantasize about the celebratory getaway. We would eat dinners by candlelight, give each other extravagant presents, walk along the beach reminiscing about our wonderfulness, and of course,...

How Do You Make Your Marriage Beautiful? With Tiny Rituals and Gratitude by Andi Cumbo-Floyd
As part of the launch for my new book, Making Marriage Beautiful, I wanted to invite other married folks to share their experiences of making marriage beautiful. The road to beauty is not always pretty or easy. We often find ourselves in dark and difficult places and...

How Do You Make Your Marriage Beautiful? Not Without Hope, by Ronne Rock
As part of the launch for my new book, Making Marriage Beautiful, I wanted to invite other married folks to share their experiences of making marriage beautiful. The road to beauty is not always pretty or easy. We often find ourselves in dark and difficult places and...
Obama’s Final Words and the Power of Affirmation
Just before he concluded his final speech, President Obama looked at his wife and said, “Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, girl of the South Side, for the past 25 years, you’ve been not only my wife and mother of my children, but my best friend. You took on a role you...
It Takes a Village to Launch a Book
The dedication of my new book reads, "To Mary, Kate, and all my Redbud sisters. Maybe it doesn't always take a village—but it did this time." As evidence of that, last night, about 90 friends braved the cold and chose to miss the Patriots' playoff game to celebrate...

How Do You Make Your Marriage Beautiful? A three month series
With the launch of my first book, Making Marriage Beautiful, I wanted to invite other writers to weigh in and share how they are making their own marriages beautiful. This promises to be an incredible series, running weekly from January through April. Count on each...
Making Marriage Beautiful Launch!
Today marks the official launch of my first book, Making Marriage Beautiful. This offering has been 25 years in the making. (That's the length of time I've been married to Christopher!) It's wise, winsome, honest, funny, helpful, and above all else, hopeful. My main...