by Dorothy Greco | Feb 20, 2013 | At the Intersection of Faith & Culture, Blog, Christianity Today, Spirituality
In our polarized culture, potential enemies lurk around every ideological corner. Think of the back-and-forth in the comment section of blogs, our deeply entrenched political system that pits Democrats against Republicans, or the on-going mommy wars. Whenever we face...
by Dorothy Greco | Feb 18, 2013 | Blog, Relevant Magazine, Spirituality
Our all-powerful, all-loving God encourages us to ask Him for what we want. But sometimes, after we’ve put it out there, He seems to turn and walk in the opposite direction. We are then left with the unmet longings and needs that inspired our prayers as well as...
by Dorothy Greco | Jan 22, 2013 | Blog, Relevant Magazine, Spirituality
If Lance Armstrong anticipated a public outpouring of support and affection after his televised mea culpas, he misjudged both the media and his fan base. The critical and cynical responses reinforced what many of us believe to be true: the cost of confessing outweighs...