The Crucible of Marriage

“Just be prepared. You two are going to have a very difficult first year of marriage.” Well-meaning friends repeatedly expressed their concern during our engagement and early months of marriage. We spent a great deal of that first year on high alert. Was this “the...

Legit GF Bread Options

  Those of you who have celiacs or a gluten intolerance know that carbohydrate options for holding our nut butters or meats are rather lacking. My expectations are raised each time a new mix or pre-made loaf hits the grocery store – only to feel it plummet...
Love Is…?

Love Is…?

“Love is an earthquake meant to relocate the center of our universe.” So writes Mike Mason in his brilliant book, The Mystery of Marriage. Each time this destabilizing, tectonic shifting pitched me off balance during my first decade of marriage, I assumed I was a...
Why Lent?

Why Lent?

Several years ago, I reminded our teenage sons that Lent would be starting in two days. Our youngest protested with a deep sigh and the following comment: “I just don’t get why my giving up ice cream or TV has anything to do with my getting closer to God. I mean did...

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