Book Proposal Review
Do you have a nonfiction book proposal that feels ready to shop around? You only have one chance to impress an acquisitions editor so it needs to be as flawless as possible. As a published author, I understand what your proposal should include and what will make it pop. This fee includes a half-hour consult ($500).
Manuscript Review
One thing I’ve discovered while working on my two books is that most publishing-house editors have a limited amount of time to devote to each project. That means they may not be able to give you as much feedback as you need and want. I love doing content edits! It’s probably my favorite type of editing work. I will typically spend 15-20 hours reading and re-reading your work so that I can recommend how it could be stronger and more coherent ($75 an hour).
Doctoral Dissertation Edits
Hat Tips
Jen Pollock Michel, Author of Teach Us to Want and Keeping Place (among others).
Katherine James, Author of A Prayer for Orion and Can You See Anything Now?
Margot Starbuck, Author, editor, and writing coach.
Carlene Hill Byron, author for the forthcoming Not Quite Fine: Mental Health, Faith, and Showing Up for Each Other
Pierce VanDunk, Editor & Transcriptionist