Word for the year: Breathe
I am a shallow breather. Rather than draw deep breaths from my gut, I inhale the least possible amount of air. I developed this habit during the years when I tried to be invisible. As with all forms of coping, it had a hidden price tag. This year, I resolve to take in all the air that I want–without feeling greedy or conspicuous.

Guiding Scripture: 2 Peter 1:5-7
“A life of moral excellence leads to knowing God better. Knowing God leads to self-control. Self-control leads to patient endurance, and patient endurance leads to godliness. Godliness leads to love for other Christians and finally, you will grow to have genuine love for everyone.”

At 53, I’ve come to the conclusion that loving well apart from having a relationship with God is impossible. (And even with Him it’s pretty darn difficult!) Regardless of how much I want to love well, I continue to run out of steam (some days around 8:00 AM). Only by drawing from God’s well–consistently and throughout the day–do I have any hope of actually following through.

I am beginning to understand how my choices–perhaps particularly in the mundane, seemingly insignificant things–impact my ability to be present and love. Do I allow myself to grouse about the national economy and that snarky FB post or do I turn my gaze elsewhere? Do I resist that temptation toward gluttony or eat 20 chocolate covered almonds and assume it has no bearing on my emotional and spiritual well-being?

Peter’s words ring true to me. “Self-control leads to patient endurance and patient endurance leads to godliness. Godliness leads to love.”  I need more of all four!


My Prayer
Help me to know you better God.
Help me to have more self-control.
Help me to live like your opinion of me matters most.
Help me to love.
Tune my ears to your frequency and give me the strength to obey.
Open my eyes to see others who need encouragement.
Resource me to serve and bring your kingdom to my little patch of earth.

(Photos: 1. Gloucester, thanks to family friends Becky and Patrick. this is a place where one can breathe. 2. Northern VT Place of sanctuary and prayer constructed by master carpenter Mark Dennison. 3. Also VT. Hospitality is a huge part of how we practice our faith. Mark and Tammy are some of the most generous and gracious hosts I’ve ever stayed with.)

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