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I love public speaking! I’ve had the privilege of speaking before large crowds and intimate gatherings. I often speak with my husband Christopher. We can create a custom workshop for your church or group based on your needs. References and fees are available upon request. Sample topics include: 

  • Confession and Forgiveness
  • Gender and Sexuality (from an orthodox, biblical perspective)
  • How the Gospel Changes Everything (or should!)
  • Marriage (pretty much anything here, including sex)
  • Parenting
  • Racial Reconciliation
  • Spiritual formation
  • The Redemptive Power of Suffering
  • What We Can Learn from Our Expectations and Disappointments
  • How to Get the Most out of Anger and Conflict 

“Dorothy Greco wowed us all in her marriage presentation at our last Wonder Years gathering. She has so much wisdom to share and she does it in a fully engaging way. Invite her to your event. You’ll leave wiser, braver and with great hope and practical strategies for a stronger marriage.”
– Leslie Leyland Fields, author of Forgiving Our Fathers and Mothers and Your Story Matters: Finding, Writing and Living the Truth of Your Life


With Yovanny Pulcini at Lion of Judah, Boston. An hour long, deep dive on all things marriage. Feb. 2024.

With Dr. Gary Chapman on Moody Radio, March 2021

With Apprentice Institute’s James Bryan Smith, June 9, 2021

Deeper Still, with Suanne Camfield, talking about marriage in midlife. March 202


March 23, Boston Chinese Evangelical Church, Newton, MA. Open to the public.

Noah Nipi Family Camp, Rindge, NH. June 30 – July 5.

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